
Dr. A.R. Ansari, a well known name in Technical Education in M.P. is the Director of the college. He has experience of more than 40 years in the field of teaching, industry, research & administration. He was head of Mechanical Engg. Dept. of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (M.A.N.I.T.) Bhopal.
He has also served as Principal of Engg. Institutes apart from serving in Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. Bangalore. He has published more than 40 research papers and has guided four Ph.D. candidates. He has visited U.S.A., Canada, Japan and many other countries for attending and presenting research papers and attending conferences.

The aim of an engineer is to create new artifacts, algorithms, processes, and systems for the service of human beings. It is a privilege in any one’s career to embark on engineering education. And as we know that Drastic & fast developments are taking place in various fields around the world; due to this, world becomes a smaller place. Since India is emerged as an un-ignorable country on the world map in recent years, the task at hand is more enthralling than ever before. It is my privilege to welcome you and introduce you " SHA-SHIB COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY BHOPAL (SCT),” located at Bhopal. (M.P.).Ever since its establishment, the SCT College conglomerate of students, staff and faculty has endeavored towards creating young and dynamic engineers who will form the crux of the technical workforce of tomorrow. In our quest to provide the country with the best working talent, we have created a disciplined environment that at the same time provides each individual with the creative freedom to think out of the box. It has always been our belief that every student has an unending pool of talent that needs to be nurtured and which when guided with proper care and the correct attitude can help bring out the best from any individual. Our objective is to produce a high breed of qualified, innovative and dynamic professionals for corporate & sectors, for the service industries, for self employment, and for academic & research institutions.
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome all those who aspire to have a career in engineering and fruitful stay at our College.