Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was built up with a point of creating center capability in Computer Science and getting ready understudies to do improvement work, and in addition take up challenges in research.
All-swarming nature of innovation is finished with enormous interest for instruction in the said field. The relentless ascent in the quantity of understudies picking to have practical experience in this field is a declaration of which.
The dynamic employees of the office have shown mastery in numerous zones and flair for teaching different course to provide the student with the foundations of the discipline as well as the opportunity for specialization. Center courses incorporate Programming Languages, Computer Architecture, System Software, Networking Technologies and Artificial Intelligence.
- To develop the analytical and logical aptitude among students to visualize implied technical concepts of software/hardware to be analyzed or designed.
- To instill and sustain self-learning, train and authority qualities in understudies and to acquaint them with all encompassing methodology of working and codes of expert practice.
Central Lab
The Objective of Central lab is to
- Study and practice of Internal & External DOS commands.
- Study and practice of Basic linux Commands – ls, cp, mv, rm, chmod, kill, ps etc.
- Study and Practice of MS windows – Folder related operations, My-Computer, window explorer, Control Panel
- Creation and editing of Text files using MS- word.
- Creation and operating of spreadsheet using MS-Excel.
- Creation and editing power-point slides using MS- power point
- Creation and manipulation of database table using SQL in MS-Access
Software Engineering & Project Lab
The Software Engineering Lab has been developed by keeping in mind the following objectives:
- To impart state-of-the-art knowledge on Software Engineering and UML in an interactive manner through the Web.
- Present case studies to demonstrate practical applications of different concepts.
- Provide a scope to students where they can solve small, real life problems.
Database Programming Lab
A database management system (DBMS) is computer application software that provides a way to manage data. The requirement of modern days is to have an automated system that manages, modifies and updates data accurately. This is achieved by a DBMS in robust, correct and non redundant way. DBMS lab aims at practicing and achieving this aim by using various software’s such as SQL, ORACLE, and MS – Access etc. All these require a thorough practice of various DDl, DCL and DML queries. There are 51 computers in our Database Programming Lab
Operating System & Networking Lab
The objective of Operating System Lab is to:
- Study different types of Operating System.
- Study and Practice Various Unix, Linux Commands.
Project : AdSense
Submitted By : Jayamala Patel
AdSense is a wonderful advertising concept and it also lies at the heart of Advertising empire. Though new advertising concepts keep coming up all the time, this one is something that is altogether different. AdSense (Advertising program) presents an earning opportunity to the website owners by allowing to post advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are either text advertisements or image based advertisements. AdSense is content-targeted advertising program. It is the program that can give you advertising revenue - with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.
Project :Planepedia
Submitted By : Nitesh Kumar Choudhary
The main aim of this software application is to provide the unique information about the all type of war aircraft from all around the world. The design of this software application is based on static based relative layout design. This application can run on Android version 4.0.1 or above. Those users who have interest in the aviation field and they want to know some extra stuff then this application will really helpful for them.
Project : Enterprise Wan Simulator
Submitted By : Aditya Nath
The Enterprise WAN networking project show that how a private network can be established for a company, institutes and organisation. It can give more security options and reliability. Users and Employee of a Company can connect any time with the other branch of the company, can share data and can use software which is installed in the server. User can run any program or data and can be saved in the server. A N/W administrator can control or limit the users to access the internet. An administrator can control the uses of the N/W and can monitor the users using the N/W. Overall enterprise WAN can give a centralized environment, better redundancy service, security and converged N/W.
Industrial visit at CRISP

Industrial visit at CRISP