General Rules & Regulations
To review study people from foreign countries and other such candidates nominated by the Government of India for admission against reserved seats under the various scholarship schemes are eligible for admission if they satisfy prescribed minimum qualification subject to a maximum of 5 seats.Such self financing foreign students whose application are endorsed by the Government of India will be exempted from tests subject to their fulfilling the prescribed eligibility condition. Either they should apply direct or through the mission of their Respective countries in India. No such an application can be entertained unless it is endorsed by Govt. of India.
The lectures are delivered in both English & Hindi. Examination conducted by the Examination Authority is in English. As we have generally seen that the newly admitted students in the Engineering courses are weak in English. They feel great difficulty in pursing their studies in English. For such students the Institute would manage coaching in English language for a very nominal fee.
90% Attendance per subject per semester is essential to each individual students.
Ragging among the Junior and Senior students is strictly prohibited within and out of the premises of the Institute. A cordial relationship among the students is desirable and any violation of the disciplinary rules may put a students in to a serious trouble.
Three days continuous absents are pardonable but after that a fine will be charged for per day absence.
Sickness leave must be accompained by medical certificate issued from a registered medical practitioner. If a student remain absent from Institute for a prolonged period without any reasonable intimation his name is likely to be struck off.
The Admission Fee & the Other Fee paid by the student is spent on the Institute for providing better facilities to the students and also to meet the huge advertisement expenses, maintenance and other related activities to provide quality in education. Hence no refund of fee is permissible once a candidate has been admitted to the institute. The fee and the other charges once paid will under no circumstances be refundable, transferable or adjusted even if a student does not attend even a single class. Students discontinuing in the middle of the course will forfiet the fee, other charge and security deposit.
The director reserves to himself the right to mark additions or alteration to the existing rules, working hours, time table, fee structure and mode of learning as may be deemed necessary from time to time.
In case of any dispute between the management of the Institute and students, parents or guardian only the civil court in Bhopal will have legal jurisdiction.